Cloud Services

Cloud technologies have been around for over 20 years. Your organization is already in the cloud and using different a variation of public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud solutions. As technology evolves, reevaluating your cloud solutions is imperative.

As technology evolves, reevaluating your cloud solutions is imperative.

As organizations continue to increase workloads in the cloud, the return on investment is harder the achieve.

FWRD Tech can provide your business a path to take advantage of the benefits that come with cloud technologies while delivering a
return on investment.

Benefits include:

1. Organizations can scale quickly taking advantage of cloud solutions.

2. Deploying cloud solutions through a variety of services can achieve optimal cost-effectiveness.

3. With multiple levels of redundancy, cloud solutions provide exceptional reliability.

4. Leveraging cloud solutions with different layers of managed services delivers a secure, compliant solution for your organization’s critical data.


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Managing risk is getting harder every day. Bad actors are getting smarter and figuring out ways to get into environments that have already added security layers to prevent intrusion.

The financial and reputational costs are increasing rising and the role of CISO has never been so paramount.

The financial and reputational costs are increasing rising and the role of CISO has never been so paramount.

With multiple layers involved for a mature cybersecurity framework, FWRD Tech can help identify gaps within your environment and help you create a more resilient environment against bad actors.

Solutions include:

1. Multi-Layered Security Protection

2. Perimeter Security

3. Threat Detection and Response

4. Security Awareness Training

5. Security Awareness Training

Benefits include:

1. Minimizing your threat landscape with the right technologies, people, and process.

2. Improving your security posture with the right multi-layered security protection to eliminate gaps.

3. Leveraging managed services to deliver more resources to detect, respond, recover, and remediate threats.

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Benefits Include

Economies Of Scale

Taking advantage of economies of scale by leveraging Cloud and SaaS environments.

Variety Of Services

Deploying cloud solutions through a variety of services can achieve optimal cost-effectiveness.

Levels Of Redundancy

With multiple levels of redundancy, cloud solutions provide exceptional reliability.

Manage Services

 Leveraging cloud solutions with different layers of managed services delivers a secure, compliant solution for your organization’s critical data.

The FWRD Tech Edge

Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud

We are partnered with providers who offer custom cloud solutions that will be tailored to meet your requirements.

Managed Services

As you move your workloads to the cloud, we can align engineering resources to help manage your environment.

Maximizing IT Resources

Partnering with the right cloud provider allows you to focus on your business while leveraging outsourced 24x7x365 teams to maximize your efficiencies.


Cloud is not a one size fits all solution. Depending on your project size and scope, our team helps define a cost-effective cloud strategy.

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